hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 6:36 PM
today i went lunching with jas nd jiamin.
we went to cwp to eat lunch @ burger king.
bought a student mushroom swiss meal.
but was quite full as i woke up at 10.45 nd ate nasi lemak.
so me nd jiamin combined fries
nd didnt finish it cos it was too much...

then we went to the library
to borrow books.
i had to borrow a cooking book for my pa
and look for a james patterson book for my ma.
nd look for chinese books to improve my chinese.
nd look for an eng book in case i gt "scared" of my chi bk.

lawls so many things to do in the library
then ju nd her bro lost some thing she bought.
we waited downstairs while reading past issues of teens.
i found one copy of Kenichi Matsumayua!!! ♥
haha i grabbed it like a mad woman..

then aft that we went to mac to get ice-cream...
it was quite nice lah~~

aft that we walked home.
i saw my cats again!!!
esp. the white one with the blue eyes;
jiamin say its eyes vry sui bwahahah.

pls stop tokking bout him alr.
after drifting away,
he hasnt done anything that asks for my forgiveness at all.
i dun intend to do that too.
cos he doesnt deserve it.

he doesnt tok to me AT ALL.
so stop it.
i hear his name and i feel sick.empty.
so pls stop it.
until i lash out at u guys...
there is no more cure.
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an jing lyrics ☺ (: hey im back again..maths gt a lot of homework and ... i chnged my blogskin..haha tui hou related de..hah... : D (: hai...so sian.but recently got no lessons quite go... i rly want to hate himbut i cant.i stiu want him t... HEY im backshort postcos i hungry wan go makan lia... haha this pic from long ago liao...i connect phone...