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Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 5:28 PM
Name 20 people right now.Don't look at the questions until you have chosen the 20 people.At the end,choose 5 of them to do the quiz.1]jasmine 2]tan jiamin 3]ziyue 4]wingyan 5]aaron 6]jesmond 7]kelly 8]wanying 9]lois 10]qianhui 11]regina 12]fangyi 13]chenglin 14]april 15]jiamin 16]huitong 17]jinteng 18]yurou 19]qiwen 20]kailin 1) How did u meet 14[april]? -in co,percussion (: 2)What would u do if u never met 1[jasmine]? -i would be dead bored as there'll be no ju nd craps ): 3)what if 9 & 20 dated[lois & kailin]? -impossible. they dont know each other (: 4)what if 6 & 17 dated?[jesmond nd jinteng] -(: hmms,i wonder what would happen too. 5)describe 3[ziyue] -two words: NEW YOLK!!! (: 6)Is 8 attractive?[wanying] -DUN. CHIOBUU~ (: 7)describe 7.[kelly] -TWINNEH~ ;D 8)know any of 12's family members?[fangyi] -nope. 9)what if 18 confess to u and say tht he/she like u?[yurou] -she wont. she no les (: 10)what language does 10 speaks?[qianhui] -english,chinese,a little hokkien,singlish. (: 11)who is going out with 9?[lois] -dno :x 12)how old is 16?[huitong] -umm 13. 13)when was the lst time u tok to 13?[chenglin] -hmm.i think last week. 14)would u ever date 4?[wingyan] -nopes.i wont dui bu qi aaron 15)Would you ever dated 1?[jasmine] -hmm mayb when i turn les 16)Is 19 single?[qiwen] -i think so 17)What is the 10 last name?[qianhui] -err,hui? 18)Would you ever be in relationship with 11?[regina ] -yalor,when i turn les lah 19)School of 3?[ ziyue] -cchy.i mean, DUH -.- 20)where does 6 lives?[jesmond ] -yishun 21)What your favourite thing about 5?[ aaron] -nothing (: 22)Have you seen 2 naked?[jiamin] -no im nt so biantai (: -end of quiz] |