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Friday, July 18, 2008 @ 10:33 PM
hellos dearest treasured readers!!!Kyaaaah im so sorry for neglecting my blog for ONE WEEK!!!! hahahahs. so so busy this week. homework a lot. and stayed back a lot too. wahsehs today co okay lah, but mrs ng keep me for like one hour plus plus cos i failed my maths test for 0.5 marks. do wad algebra question. then still must wait for turn to mark paper. so sian lah, starving sia. then ju,yurou,ziyue,jinteng,bohchoo all waiting for me outside like very kelian, so i asked them all go eat first (: then was like quickly quickly finish my maths stuffs so can go eat. i had to run up co room take pencil case cos i asked ju help me take bag up first -.- so stupid luhs. run up run down. hahahs. then was like crapping with HEISHEHUI (: we had fun laughing at a lot of nonsensical stuffs. (: ooh~ i just love HEISHEHUI~ muahahhahas. i kept going on about her drink. (she bought blueberry dunnowad with basil seeds) and i kept commenting that her basil seeds looked like frog eggs! :x ahahahahhas the memories ._. then we didnt have a break! T.T ahzhao kept going on and on about the same place! so i sneaked out with peijun "to the toilet" ended up tokking with dizi ppl. then we were like there for five minutes plus then go in. aft that nothing much alr. byes~ |