hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Monday, November 10, 2008 @ 11:24 PM
today went publicity talk.
cos going woodgrove lol.
then got go jiemin as well.
quite fun (:
except in bus keep kena strangle with safety belt/rocked/knocked etc by junsian/jesmond.
i suspect is junsian though lol.

hahas we went to woodgrove first.
but waited in co room for quite long.
8 plus then move instruments lol.
so early go also nothing do -.-

when the bus came,i eeyer-ed.
lan bus again D:
at least this time a lot of ppl so no need carry so heavy things :D
6 percussionists o_o
heh heh.

then woodgrove is ziyue play muyu,i play gang pian qin, jiaying and jiaee tambourine.
then jiemin is jiaee and me tambourine,ziyue muyu,jiaying gang pian qin.
jiaying pro lol.

then went back to sch for pizza at arnd 11 plus.
waited for the bloody pizza so long, nearly died of hunger O:
hahas wushu ppl quite funny.

put grapes on pizza.
then let junsian eat.
then junsian put grapes into ppl's drinks.
damn funny lol.

bus-ed home with guo CHOU CHOU and abuneh/jasmine.
crapped (:

because i'm caught so deep in you,
it's almost like i can't pull myself out.
even though i get jealous, oh so easily,
i can't escape you.
heh, just noticed how nice your eyes are too.
i wonder how you feel
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