hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Friday, January 2, 2009 @ 10:12 PM
happy new year [:

here to update on previous trips and first day of school/ today (:

whats so interesting? O:

jm: hehe xD
ju: *walau look*

some boliao thing -.-

jm & ju: aiya the disc fly out liao!

this is when jasmine,jiamin and i when we go out last tues to amk hub/causeway point.
LOL most pictures taken from the arcade at cwp.
saw wingyan they all on way up to arcade.
walked until feet got blisters at amk hub
-.- got one blouse there quite nice but $25.
ex O;
today woke up at 5.30am -.-
did not have a good sleep yesterday -.-
very tired today.
school okay la.
mrs Z so zz wtf.
check this check that.
cannot even wear ankle socks .
bloody zz lor.
she still our level co ordinator for what level discipline thingy -.-
then i still have to tell her im quitting prefect.
she will give me shit expression.
our form teacher change liao.
mdm ng>mr neo.
mr neo quite okay la.
better than mdm ng.
LOLL not as naggy lor.

after school ate at canteen.
eat hor fun.
made me so hungry during CO zz.
dont have corrina's cookies will die lmao.
today co sian until can die.
ahzhao keep asking us do what shibanyaogu ugly dramatic actions.
like surrender like that.
raise hands not enough still need shake wth -.-
my face on the floor alr.
hai. -.-
hope this year percussion junior not nerd nerd one .
alll sec 1s nerd until..
all so small size somemore -.-
got paikia join also good -.-
more lively.
lately so sian .
keep playing cicada song -.-
okay,i've completed my lamenting.
you're free to go now.
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