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new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

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Thursday, June 4, 2009 @ 10:12 PM
Kim Hyun-joong depressed over grandma!

It’s tough being a busy idol star.

You have to put on a happy face all the time, even if you feel like punching a wall and life may be crumbling around you. It especially hurts when the commitment you made to entertainment cuts into the time you spend with your loved ones and family members. That is the case for SS501’s Kim Hyun-joong as he must continue overseas activities and promotions, despite having his beloved grandmother in a critical condition. He has previously stated before that his grandmother supported and cherished him like a mother while his parents were working, so Hyun-joong has a very strong attachment and affection toward her. Although his grandmother is currently out of danger, her knee surgery last month resulted in crippling complications, showing symptoms of entire body paralysis during the procedure and now Alzheimer-like lack of recognition except for Hyun-joong.

For someone so precious, you can be damn sure that Hyun-joong isn’t only sad, but pissed off due to the suspected negligence of the surgeons during the operation. His grandmother has been transferred to another medical facility to recuperate and Hyun-joong is issuing a serious inquiry of his grandmother’s surgery procedures. If the investigation proves that negligence worsened her condition, the heartbroken Hyun-joong will be filing litigation.
Hopefully, his grandmother will pull through and things don’t get too messy.

hopefully his grandma will get better! :D
kimhyunjoong, FIGHTING!
LOL. seriously.
imagine ur family sick. then u too busy cant even be with them.
how do u feel?
here we have cold-blooded people who say :

Anonymous June 4, 2009 at 5:46 am
Depressed now, huh? He should save that for later! @ Least she’s alive.

wthhh.this kind of people also have. hmph.

anyway credits to http://popseoul.com/2009/06/03/kim-hyun-joong-depressed-over-grandma/ for the news ._.

hopes his grandma gets well.

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