hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Saturday, May 31, 2008 @ 9:04 PM
today is saturday...

i got nothing much to say...

cos i did nothin much today...

seriously, my life just ain't interesting enuff~

and i am seriously sianned here.

ehhh btw wan go spca dunring holidays guys?

go see all the cute cute cats and dogs and be a volunteer there [:

wan? if wan reply in cbox tyvm. [:

cos i have seriously nothing to do except watch tv,use com and go cca,

hmmm.... and camp.

yeah, im serious bout it...

and btw i nt sure whether i going for any of the class re-u/outing or not...

cos all places quite far,for the 1e gathering.

sianz lah~~

keep smilin'

j a m i e [:
Friday, May 30, 2008 @ 10:43 PM
heh heh today was co's combined practice!
zhao laoshi was losing on nd on bout jiang jun ling.
it was so sian laah i cud have fell asleep.
anyway i say my cowboy playing his psp!
looked so fun laah XD

heh heh.
dunno so hyper for wad.
mayb cos zhao laoshi nvr scold me much today cos i played quite ok laah
not that many errors.
heh heh

ziyue and i crapped in co.
we were tokking behind the big drum.
nd we kept mimicing ah zhao during the break!! [:
esp. when we mimiced ah pei and he came over!!!

p.s;for ppl who dno,
AHPEI=junhong [:
AHZHAO=zhao laoshi.

no offence to any ahpei/ahzhao supporters thou. [:
keep smilin'...

gt co camp durin wed to fri nx week. 4-6 june.
dno shud happy or nt.

happy=sectional practice..happy crappin woth chenlaosji and percuz peeps!! [:
not that good=ahzhao nd ahpei durin combined practice...
hai i think my phone wont last 3 days.
so i beta off my phone till at night,
mayb cnt slp can listen music ♥

or call ma or pa ask ask tok tok,
am posting crap here,

keep smilin,
j a m i e [:
Thursday, May 29, 2008 @ 6:36 PM
today i went lunching with jas nd jiamin.
we went to cwp to eat lunch @ burger king.
bought a student mushroom swiss meal.
but was quite full as i woke up at 10.45 nd ate nasi lemak.
so me nd jiamin combined fries
nd didnt finish it cos it was too much...

then we went to the library
to borrow books.
i had to borrow a cooking book for my pa
and look for a james patterson book for my ma.
nd look for chinese books to improve my chinese.
nd look for an eng book in case i gt "scared" of my chi bk.

lawls so many things to do in the library
then ju nd her bro lost some thing she bought.
we waited downstairs while reading past issues of teens.
i found one copy of Kenichi Matsumayua!!! ♥
haha i grabbed it like a mad woman..

then aft that we went to mac to get ice-cream...
it was quite nice lah~~

aft that we walked home.
i saw my cats again!!!
esp. the white one with the blue eyes;
jiamin say its eyes vry sui bwahahah.

pls stop tokking bout him alr.
after drifting away,
he hasnt done anything that asks for my forgiveness at all.
i dun intend to do that too.
cos he doesnt deserve it.

he doesnt tok to me AT ALL.
so stop it.
i hear his name and i feel sick.empty.
so pls stop it.
until i lash out at u guys...
there is no more cure.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008 @ 9:45 AM
an jing lyrics ☺

曲/詞: 周杰倫


牽著你陪著 我也只是曾經



adapted frm http://www.jay-chou.net/

this song is seriously nice...Jay rox lawls.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 12:38 PM
well well here i am again doing nothing
nd posting..
i supposed to be doing maths lah,
but i dun care..
wanna post mah..

hmm,today slept till 11 plus
and i just finish breakfast..
bwahahah holidays are just for waking
up late and slacking...

hai..new yolk just messaged me saying she just woke up haha
i spammed her phone, i think
wah sudd got a lotta ppl mseg..
minzhuang qianhui new yolk nd jasmine..

nothing to post liao

having fun...
Monday, May 26, 2008 @ 9:56 PM
hey im back again..
maths gt a lot of homework and i cant finish in one week lah...
so many,the teachers wan kill us issit?? ZZ
now attempting to do the factorisation of algebra thingy..

nothing much lah
went to sch library with jasmine @ 1.45 to meet jiaxuan and minzhuang for the maths/history project..
then we went eat first as "librarian was out for lunch"..
we went khatib central mac <33
then when we gt back it was bout 3 something le..
cant believe we spent one hour eating haha...

anyway we were in sch nd heard a lot of drum sounds..
it was the festive drum cca..
it was so loud,i wonder how the erhu-ians practice
co room..

btw was atl doing maths halfway, then came and post here : D

anyway,anyone wan make class tee>?
i wan leh
c other ppl wear class tee like so jealous lahh,
can drink one bottle of vinegar~~ ._.

booboo wed gt two things to do..
gt project meeting agin @ 12.30[no more late wake upsT.T]
then aft that rush go grab lunch and go percussion practice...

like,i have to contiue the maths,
so might post again tml._.

-: -.-
Saturday, May 24, 2008 @ 7:22 PM
i chnged my blogskin..
haha tui hou related de..
haha nice rite...
sians this blog is dying..
i think...

on 4,5,6 june gt co camp,
so i wont be around...
nd walau,gt so many maths homework lah!

Jay Chou is nice ._. <33
holiday gt percussion and combined practice..
dno i f i shud feel happy or sad bout it haha..

nothing to post leh...

haha buh bye : D
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 8:58 PM
: D
hey im back...
today was combined practice fer co...
then i was slacking lah...]
nothing much to say lah..
not interesting de...two ah peks conducting us... hai~

oh yeah,i drew ziyue's -.- again nd poked her muahahaha ._.
but nt as fun as last time...
i did laugh madly though...

then junhong gave break when ah zhao left..
i nd ziyue and jasmine went down,i think..
there were prefects stationed there alr..
for the parent meeting,i think...

walau speaking of this i pissed liao...
gt one prefect and cheng ling and 1g class prefect there...
i dno the other prefect lah~
then as i was saying hi to cheng ling,my hand in "hello" stance,
in mid-air....

wakao! the prefect go tell me my shirt untucked...
it ownself fall out can not?!
hai~ that my fault i admit...

but wad pissed me off later was we went to the canteen to buy some drinks...
then we returned to the staircase where the prefects were stationed...
and i and yurou went to the co room to put things,etc...
we went down again as yurou wanted to c hu in her class got parents meeting...

the same prefect scold us say stop loitering say mayb we wan can go canteen...
walau,i just pass by him a few times can not?
like i vry pai kia liddat...

cheng ling nd the 1g class prefect nvr day anything as they were good guys ._.
hai~i nvr do anything kena scolded...

the funny thing was...
later,i bumped into jasmine and her dad hu just finish parent meeting...
he offered me a lift,and i took it[thx jas and uncle :)]
we walk to that area again...
wah,the prefect attitude change vry fast lor...
"Thank You, Sir"
please lah! walau u mistreat students niah!

Thursday, May 22, 2008 @ 9:59 PM
wah admire cheng ling senior's blog..
just started but gt so many posts alr...
plus so positive towards love.. haha..
haha i oso wan post more..

today atl wanted to watch movie with jiamin..her treat mah,,
fer the stupid birthday 10 days ago -.-
then in the end causeway dont have accuracy of death...
i was so pissed..
i rly wanted to c it haha...

wei laoshi gt the bk leh!
he say he go kinokuniya buy..
de famous bookshop at orchard...
haha go all the way to orchard buy book...

anyway jiamin decided to treat me and jasmine to
haha we eat non-stop...
she try to put the chicken on the hot plate...

in the end jasmine had to take it up for her...
and she kept asking us to cook the meat fer her...
eat it raw lah, jiamin ._.
i saw jasmine kena scalded by oil/water/idunnowad a lot...
and i wanna eat the chicken oso but scared i cook it kena the
so took a super small piece half-throw into the hot plate.

then ok wah....
and i learnt that ini when the hot plate gt water or oil then it will fly up
and scald u....
then aft that happy happy cook the meat...haha

btw,,i wanna plot to take revenge on jiamin
that idiot go tell me and jasmine needa finish the food enough they charge fer wastage...
then she take so much meat then haven even cook yet...
at that time,jasmine and i were eating ice cream ._.

we ping ming cook the chicken and eat it....
on the escalator while we were leaving...
she burst out laughing.... -.-
then she say she bluff us and we gave her the -.- look
jasmine looked like she wanna strangle her...
i feel the same :D

eat fin so full,so we walked home....i got a lot of thing to say leh...
i wan tok bout chinese lesson de movie too :D
haha wei laoshi de movie Zhi Ye Sha Shou so nice too bad dont have time to c ending leh...
i wanted to c the ending...
it was so nice lah, seriously...
the jap guy vry cool...
shoot ppl no nid look one...

so now wanna go lerh...so tired..

Goodnight~ :D
Tuesday, May 20, 2008 @ 7:12 PM
hai...so sian.but recently got no lessons quite good...
lesser bks to bring...but tml nid bring bks and aft sch gt the dnt thingy...
yay,can slack on bus...haha.
quite sian life's boring rite now...

@ 6:58 PM
i rly want to hate him
but i cant.
i stiu want him to care,to love me.

but he keeps on hurting me.
he keeps tokking bout the other girl.

i need someone to heal this wound hes inflicted.
i dont wan it to be him
i dont wan to be hurt again.
i will not be fooled again.

i may appear "high" but atl im not.
i do it to protect my weak self from ur eyes.


p.s: regina intro ur cousin faster kk? muahahah.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008 @ 7:28 PM
HEY im back
short post
cos i hungry wan go makan liao....
anyway got back most of my exam marks liao....
so happy today lah!!
my lit and geog top the class leh....
87/100 A1 leh1!!!!!!
i was like damn high in geog lesson lah!!!!!
i was whoo-ing around nd elaine and a lot of ppl ask me i siao isit -.-
haha expected siao lah whoo until liddat muahahahhahahaha
still siaoing muahahahaahhaha o.o

GEOG lesson was fun today
ms goh was tallying our marks mahy
then our class super noisy
then she put a speak good language vid fer us c
then we diao alr cos i thot it is some kind of educational thingy... -.-

in the end it was a stupid show or those kind of entertainment joke show....
it was super laughable with zhuang peng's funny laugh which make most of the ppl around him crack up haha..

yeah it was so funy that we wasted one period watching it.

then weilaoshi nvr come fer chinese and these aunite cher came in and preached about our school's manners,etc etc....

i msg weilaoshi during her lesson haha
he say he sore eyes so he didnt come....
then i no nid stay back so happy liao....
stay back take the listening test which i missed when i was sick...haha

then tml got co yay!!!! muahahaha
percussion <333
anyway tml got family bazaar thingy so no nid bring so many books...
gd luh
anyway yeah,but tml stiu got dnt which is super kaobei and sian....
i dont like -.-

haha gotta go eat liao will sayonara here...

._. angel no. 2 muahahah
Monday, May 12, 2008 @ 5:57 PM

haha this pic from long ago liao...i connect phone to com,feeling quite boliao so anyhow post lah...muahaha
m msn-ing now....was watching rain videos/mvs just now....\
jiamin gave me a rain song just now too....its raining....haha....
btw,today my bday...quiet event haha.....
sry fer short post,nothing much.....
oh ya,saw the sg[shuai ge]during recess,aft school and aft recess,haha......
stiu shuai...muahahha
Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 1:41 PM
currently slacking.... :D dunno wad to say...
oh yeah

it was so fun!!! co could not be any funner without ah zhao!!!! :DDD
he didnt come and i was so high and going around smiling...
ziyue asked if i was siao...
anyway,b4 co started and exam ended at 10,so we went to northpoint to eat and shop and walk walk,etc.
saw lots of co-ians and cchy-ians there...
muahahha we had a long time deciding what to eat,much contributing to these factors:
1:everyone wanted to eat different things...
2:there was not enough space fer evryone[6]
in the end,we decided to eat at the foodcourt... -.-
yeah lame rite...
anyway the foodcourt had a lot of seats and we sit at the high table which had zhun zhun six seats....
den jasmine ask me y we go eat always sit high places one haha...

when we fin eating and exit the foodcourt,a grp of paikias was walking along the same stretch of road...
den one of the paikia,a tall guy leaned down and call ME xiaomei.... -.-
i was like -.- but i didnt show it...paikia wad... so just ignore them...
den the others...[jasmine,yurou,jinteng,and 1f one i forgot her name(sry ._.) and jinteng fren laugh at me T.T

all xin zai le huo one.....

after that co started
nothing much
then at the ending part junhong say wan teach conductor shitus so let them zhi wo men
then they vry funny look very gong liddat

then we ownself play jiang jun ling
muahahah the junhong come percussion here and take my da cha and chang here chang there =.=
@ 12:55 PM
eh yo everyone just created new blogg....cos last few die alr....
anyway i siao rain liao....
watch speed racer THEN EH....HE QUITE HOT MAHHH
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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...