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Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 11:04 PM
HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went to sch for sectionals. turns out zhao there. then he practice longteng with suona dizi and us. kingchi zijian there too. they go lunch outside. so bad lor never call me -.- always liddat one. anyway longteng sucky. a bit into the practice i bang my little finger alr. bang it on the gu the side. pain till die. then swell to junsian size leh. potato finger -.- it's a bit crooked too D: hmph anyway i think the person who chose longteng for playing at the concert sucks. why choose so hard de siao -.- percussion still keep change pu zzz. yeah. then after that i went to library to return books. hehheh i took bus home with chan jiamin. we were discussing the cons of living in singapore. some things we talked about : me : eee singapore nothing do one lor. we go out also dont have thing do. can only do 3 things. watch movie, shopping, play. jm: yeah lor. sai la. haha singapore too small alr. LOL. we keep talking about random things on the way home hehheh. i like this slack senior! :D Anyway, take cares kingchi! u looked very sick today! rest well! :D |