hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Sunday, June 29, 2008 @ 3:01 PM
aaron ask me to do this quiz ._.

1. The person who last tagged you is ?
-ziyue (:

2. What is your relationship with him/her ?
-shes my adorable yolky ;D

3.Your 5 impression of him/her?
-chio, cute, kuazhang,yolky,fun

4.The most memorable thing he/she has done for you ?
-there are too much stuff to remember

5. The most memorable word he/she has said to you ?
-jamjam -.-

6.if he/she becomes your lover ,you will.... ?
-easy. i will turn les -.-

7. If he/she becomes your lover , things he/she has to improves on?
-shes nt my les partner ><

8. If he/she becomes your enemy ,you will ...?
-i'll attempt suicide

9. If he/she becomes your enemy , the reason will be ?

10. The most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is ?
-call her yolky

11.Tour overall impression on him/her now ?
-YOLK ._.

12. How do you think people around you will feel about you ?
-im nt them. how i know -.-

13. The character you love of yourself are ...?
-zihigh-ness (:

14.On the contrary , the character you hate of yourself are ?
-hmmm...i dunno

15.The most ideal person you want to be is ?
-i wont say. (:

16. For people who care & like you , say something about them.
-they like and care for me -.-

17.(pass this quiz to 10 person )

3. Jasmine
6. Wanying
7. Jesmond
9. Wuennee
10. Junli

18.Who is number 6 having relationship with ? [Wanying]
-LOL! i dunno

19.Is 9 a male or a female ? [wuennee]
-a female ._.

20.If 7 & 10 are together ,will it be a good thing ? [Jesmond nd Junli]
-they dunno each other ._.

21.How about 5 & 8 ?[kelly nd jinteng]
-both are girls 0.0

22.What is number 2 studying about ?[Jiamin]
-the art of dabianing (:

23.When was the last time you had a chat with 3 ?[Jasmine]
-just now (:

24.Is no.4 single ?[qianhui]
-she has her twin (:

25.Talk something casually about no.1[ziyue]
-oh. shes a yolk ._.

Saturday, June 28, 2008 @ 6:19 PM
hihi all. long time no see yeah?
vry long nvr online liao
this whole week like nvr lols.

busy mah,cannot post.
co practicing a lot for sch anniversary.
ytd esp lor.

ytd stay till 7.30 then go home.
reach home bout 8 plus liaoz.
i think i slept at 12. lols.

now chatting with qianhui ju nd jm in convo nd jesmond.
haiz mon stiu gt extra co practice.
nd wed too.

i think i wanna chng blogskin x.x
Monday, June 23, 2008 @ 4:44 PM
List down 20 random people now & put your playlist on shuffle & see what describe your friends or your relationship to them or between them(:(Handphone)

1. Jasmine
->the day u went away-m2m
[ju ure going away again!? -.-]

[...if it was tht song i wud lmao .___.]

->bu liu lei de ji chang-JJ lin
[u wont cry at the airport? -.-]

->tattoo-jordin sparks
[retarded quiz...]

->qi dai ai-JJ lin nd Jin sha
[ahem...person nd song dun match xD]

->over u-chris daughtry
[hmm? hu r u over?]

->jin tian ni yao jia gei wo-david tao nd jolin
[o.o with *ahem rite? ;D]

->London bridges-fergie

9. Joey
->xie xie ni de wen rou-S.H.E
[i suppose she quite wen rou lah]

->hao peng you-Xiao zhu
[hihi gd fren (:]

->its raining-rain
[quiz damn retarded..]

->ting yuan wei ren tan ji ta-S.H.E

->lian ai da ren-xiaozhu nd xiao s
[yeah with *ahem (:]

->Thunder-boys like girls
[huh? o.o]

->bei pan-cao ge

->yong gan shou ai-angela
[must say ily bravely kay??]

->bu tong-angela
[nt pain lah. heal alr nt pain -.-]

->long quan feng-jay chou
[beware of typhoons...]

->fall for u-secondhand serenade
[fall off my chair more like it._.]

->bu xiang dong de-angela
[dun wna knw wad?]

this quiz was so lame. all weird answers -.-
the music player hates me .__.

Why is it that u always cant find a good thing to say?
im so good to u as my friend and yet u treat me like a piece of shit.
U suck man.
U r damn irritating
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 5:28 PM
Name 20 people right now.Don't look at the questions until you have chosen the 20 people.At the end,choose 5 of them to do the quiz.

2]tan jiamin

1) How did u meet 14[april]?
-in co,percussion (:

2)What would u do if u never met 1[jasmine]?
-i would be dead bored as there'll be no ju nd craps ):

3)what if 9 & 20 dated[lois & kailin]?
-impossible. they dont know each other (:

4)what if 6 & 17 dated?[jesmond nd jinteng]
-(: hmms,i wonder what would happen too.

5)describe 3[ziyue]
-two words: NEW YOLK!!! (:

6)Is 8 attractive?[wanying]

7)describe 7.[kelly]

8)know any of 12's family members?[fangyi]

9)what if 18 confess to u and say tht he/she like u?[yurou]
-she wont. she no les (:

10)what language does 10 speaks?[qianhui]
-english,chinese,a little hokkien,singlish. (:

11)who is going out with 9?[lois]
-dno :x

12)how old is 16?[huitong]
-umm 13.

13)when was the lst time u tok to 13?[chenglin]
-hmm.i think last week.

14)would u ever date 4?[wingyan]
-nopes.i wont dui bu qi aaron

15)Would you ever dated 1?[jasmine]
-hmm mayb when i turn les

16)Is 19 single?[qiwen]
-i think so

17)What is the 10 last name?[qianhui]

18)Would you ever be in relationship with 11?[regina ]
-yalor,when i turn les lah

19)School of 3?[ ziyue]
-cchy.i mean, DUH -.-

20)where does 6 lives?[jesmond ]

21)What your favourite thing about 5?[ aaron]
-nothing (:

22)Have you seen 2 naked?[jiamin]
-no im nt so biantai (:

-end of quiz]
@ 5:16 PM
haiz. sian.
LOL its wad i have been saying for the last few posts.
lols. eeyer sch reopening on next mon! ><
my book reviews stiu haven finish yet ):
haiz. stiu wan to play nd slack lehh.___.

today went out with ahjuu nd ms jiawang(jiamin) (:

went library find book for book review,
nd went kfc for juu to eat her zhaji xD
nd waited a loooong time for ms jiawang to finish her two piece chicken,mashed potatoes and drink .__.

then went to more than words,mini toons,action city to find keychain as juu wanted one (:
then by the time we walked finish,i was getting hungry becus while the two jiamins were eating,
i wasnt hungry nd just watched .__.
lols. wait for them so long.
lols they choose one keychain oso choose so long lols.
old alr. auntie arh~
LOL then went to mac to eat.

ordered a fillet-o-fish student meal .__.
juu nd jiawang goped my fries.
i only ate 3 okay!
walau lols.
they finish the packet leh lols.
so "nice" of them rite lols.

im bored.
oni jasmine online.
atl gt other ppl.
but dont tok much de ><

hmm mayb i go find blogquiz do .______.
Monday, June 16, 2008 @ 6:45 PM
oh just another thing??
i had a weird dream.
i was playing the drum set... O.O?
haha mayb too much co stuff running through my mind??
@ 6:24 PM
im dead bored.
sians lah.
homework still have a lot haven do finish yet,
esp .project too. 0.0

we meeting again on 20 june.
tht day gt co oso.
then jas and i haven even fin the ppt.
we die liaos.
sch reopen nx week.

sure die lahs.____.
kaoz sian.
nt many ppl online.
at least ziyue is back ♥ and gt yurou nd her tok (:

-.- i hate homework ):

co we chng song alr.
we chng to some cheena song where the percussion peeps have to have a lot of big sounds and shout here shout there -.- i think i sae b4 rite....
kaoz -.-
at least gt drum set play lols.
wed gt percuz again!!!!
am dying to c ziyue's new hairstyle lols!

Saturday, June 14, 2008 @ 6:05 PM
im pissed.
i was trying to do my homework:news review,book reviews,etc.
then i refilled printer ink which ran out.
then CANNOT.
then refill again.then still cannot.
do many times.
so pekchek.
buaytahan lah.

do homework oso cnt.
no one online.
so ._______________.

dammit. im rly pissed -.-

i gna go play game ._______________.

Friday, June 13, 2008 @ 1:40 PM
kunfu pandaaa!
ytd went to watch KFP with aaron, wingyan and the jiamin aka jiawang!!!
lols. it was so funny!!!
tht panda so cute but so fat lol -.-
the way he fight just makes u wna LOL (:
vry nice lehhhs.
i recommend lol.

anyway i found tht i haven posted for a long time lols.
thts y im here (:
sian lah
my holiday homework stiu have the book review and news review haven do yet ><
and tht project thingy ):
we meeting again on 20th june hahas

i haven even try to make the model yet... HAIZ~

next week gt co prac again!
yay finally gt one practice session in hols with yolky[ziyue (:]
lols. so long nvr see her liaos.
wonder wad she looks like? ;D

sian sian. -.-
only jiaee online hu i can chat to -.-

p.s: cl y just now u online i tok to u nvr reply?

Thursday, June 12, 2008 @ 12:18 PM
KFP (:
hello long time no c lol .
this few days i did nothing.
watch tv,play com do some house chores -.-
yay slacker.__.

hmm wad else did i do??
well i didnt do homework was slacking all day long.
just fin the maths thingy.
then the quiz haven do.
sian niahs.

then stiu gt wad english book review and news review.
haven touch any of tht yet T.T

haizz. damn sian lah.
i wan watch kungfu pandaaaa!!!!!
influenced by others hu watched and kept saying its nice!!!! lol

mayb will lunch & watch kfp with jiamin today but nt sure.
cus dno parents will let or nt

Tuesday, June 10, 2008 @ 6:58 PM
hai am sianned so post again.__.

i shall do tag replies. lol.


april: hello. i miss u too! [:

jesmond:where got pro. (:

wanying:i will link u. soon.

elaine:ok lah. will delete soon

eeyer sian so little ppl to reply.
i gtg soon.
eat dinner bwahahahahha.
Friday, June 6, 2008 @ 9:44 PM
hey guys am back frm co camp alr.
it was quite fun lah.

went to sch by dads car.
heh heh.
jinteng and yurou were waiting for me at the front gate and they looked vry sianned nd depressed.
then we went up to co room and cheuk tao and the ahpei briefed us.
briefed vry long.not bad arh,
deserve the name ahpei

we played stepping balloon and the oi game.
oi game is atl a scissors paper stone game where gt two teams.
then got bench.
we run to center of bench.
then OI @ the person.
then scissors paper stone c hu win.
that was funn [[[:

had amazing race at night.
wahhh,damn scary but vry fun although super tired ):
jesmond was right.
the amazing race killed ppl.
esp. me.
was so wet with sweat aft amazing race.
so bushed alr stiu nid shower ):
haha.my seniors told me nt to look into the classrooms.
i think its cos of dirty things.
it was rly dark.
the games commitee didnt want us to on any lights.

woke up at 7AM><
nothin interesting during the day except for night.
at night we were having freetime as they postponed the pass-out-parade
then sunchang came over to us and we play truth or dare in the co room for a while.
was quite entertaining [:

then we went down to the sports hall to play more games (:
we played the oi game and a big big game of truth or dare.
evryone was included so the circle was really bigg.
haha then the guys moved one of the bench near the basketball basket.
and tried to throw a bottle in.
and weiyi sat on sunchang's head!!!!
jesmond oso.
wahh they looked so gay sia.

nothing much happen today,
mostly practiced nd practiced and practiced.

camp food so sucks.
the rice give so much and then cnt dun eat finish
dun eat finish will kena scolded by none other then mr. ahpei -.-

but mostly quite funnnn @ camp~~
bwahahahahhaha i love co camp~
Tuesday, June 3, 2008 @ 7:11 PM
hey all

i am sianned thats y im posting.

atl was in convo with jasmine,jiamin and chenglin.

then now all dno fly where lerh.

jiamin:i go bathe.

jasmine:i blogging.

chenglin:[dno where :X]

oh he just offlined.without a word.
oh hahahaha u watch out i gna spam u liaos...heh heh heh.
like,no lah.
just kiddin.

but u shud have said a goodbye rite??
see,even jiamin says so.

/JM '♥ super,duper,uber. says:
senior left without a bye
/JM '♥ super,duper,uber. says:
how sad ):

ok lah.nvms.

im going to camp tml.
co camp.

i brought lots of things.

packed my fila bag full.

haven include the sleeping bag.


dont look forward to seeing ahpei nd ahzhao.

those two...hai,no nid say alr.

so im gna be missing for 3 days and will update when im back.

Monday, June 2, 2008 @ 4:41 PM
zai shui yi fang lyrics frm baidu:






@ 4:08 PM

anyway,that quiz was thoroughly sian.
so so sian.
waiting for ma to go out now.
but i think not going anymore cos pa have no time gna work liao -.-

blah blah am quite sian.
anyone gt zai shui yi fang de lyrics??
so nice!!!
zhong ji yi jia seriously rox!♥♥♥

the soundtrack is nice
and jiro's voice is so nice!!~~
co camp countdown in 2 days.
dno wad to bring.and a little sian.

i dun qi dai seeing ahpei and ahzhao.
they r much abhored.
and i wan c mr cowboy.
hai hai hai.
oh yeah reminds me.
hiee weilaoshi.
i knw they put animals to slp there.
and hahaha ziyue.

and ju y chng link nvr tell us?
so bad sia.
@ 3:39 PM
jinteng is boliao -,-
jinteng is vry boliao.

she made me do the quiz...

atl i can dont do derh...

and leave it there to rot~

ok lah, im gna do it...

too bad jt blog thr cnt copy & paste,easier liddat

[was tagged bu super boliao erhuian jt]

q1,if ur fren betrayed u,wad would ur reaction be?
ans: depends on seriousness of the situation.not serious just strangle only lahh,nothing to worry about. heh heh ☺

q2,wad kind of dream do u like the most?
ans:i like dreams where i can fly.

q3,wad will ur dream wedding be like?
ans:the person i love would be beside me and thats all that matters.

q4,would u do anything like betraying ur best friend to get a billion dollars if she/he has it?
ans:ohhh,yeah,but i doubt they have even $100

q5,wad is the thing ur ideal lover shud have?
ans:must be caring/loving lah. rubbish question.

q6,which is more blessed? loving someone or being loved?
ans:hmmm,being loved.im selfish.

q7,do u intend to wait for sumone u love for ur whole life?
ans:no.i dont have the patience.

q8,if the person u secretly like is attached,wad would u do?
ans: i would give up on him.

q9,is there anything that has made u sad this few days?
ans:yeah.watching the touching scenes in zhong ji yi jia ♥

q10,how do u see urself 20 years later?
ans: now i am 13. 13+20=32.
muahahahahha.i would be a successful dnowad!!!!!!!!!

q11,hu is currently the most important ppl to u?
ans:all my friends and my pa&ma.

q12,wad kind of person do u tink de person hu tagged u is?
ans: she is a boliaokia. ;D

q13,ohno!!! i missed a question!!!! -.-
q13,what cheers u up fastest?
ans:being high frm listening to rocker-ish music

q14,wad wud u rather have in ur life?
ans:i would like to have a big bro hu can look out for me.
too bad i cant make a big bro. oni an annoying small sibling can be made.

q15,wad is the last thing u do evrynight?
ans: lie on my bed and think of wad mister cowboy is doing,
and whether he is asleep._____.

q16,hus ur best friend?
ans:i have a lot of friendS@!!

q17,falling in love with 2 or not falling in love is beta?
ans: 2. my life is nt boring ‼

q18,wad type of friend do u nt wan to have?
ans: friends that ignore u or leave u in a corner

its quite sian.
most of my answers are nt real.
do not put them on heart.

ppl to do this:[heh heh its sabo-ing time]
*rubs hands in enthu-ism*

-ZIYUE!!!! ahahahahah!!!!!!!~~
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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...