hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 10:28 PM
here to update yi xia lols.

today recess so damn dramatic.

actually eat one lor mai kai quite song alr.

then follow regina they all go sports hall.

then i itchy hand nothing to do.

took fangyi's wallet ._.

threw it at basketball basket thingy.

gotstuck x.x

normally wont de lor.

maybe today fangyi suay lor x.x

anyhow throw then kena stuck.

then i had to get it down.

cos i boliao go throw up in first place -.-"

yeah,in the end ask mr yong go help.

so.... sia.


THen aft that came the more interesting part!!!


1st august is jiamin's bday.

her pa ask her take 100 dollar treat us eat $.$

yeah,she decided to qing sushi.

SAKAE somemore.



i think i nearly spent her whole 150 allowance.

ordered 4 plates of sashimi!!!!

of course,i shared (:


got yellowtail,maguro,and two plate of salmon sia.

x.x their salmon so fresh.


then went watch movie: Prom Night.

hahahs. very thriller and got a lot of suspense.

but then ending not very good.

too sudden.

the girl finally kill the pervert then end.

so stupid -.-

i see the others i shocked sia.

all the bag use to cover their faces like very scared liddat.

actually no lor.

the movie got censor the ugly parts neh.

and no blood wad.

i see bring them go watch nc 16 all die liao.

lmao ahahahahs.

hahas aft that walked home with ju and crapped.

we stand on the road waiting to cross suddenly she say what "eh gardenia leh"

i was so -.-'''

cross road oso talk bout food.



byes (:

but you're right, cos we'll never know.
but,i know i'll probablly fail.
and yeah, its time i gave up.

p.s: i got new bag! -.-
Saturday, July 26, 2008 @ 1:45 PM
hey hey hey

im bored bored bored.

wah below my blk got malay wedding lehs!

._. random sia

er,wad shall i post about....

sia lah nothing post xD

k lah.

mayb next week going out c movie with the two jiamins.

for clvs project on LEADERSHIP.


dunno wad show to watch leh.

haven decide yet.



so nothing post liao bye x.x

aishiteru x)
Friday, July 25, 2008 @ 10:34 PM
hellos ._.
just now got co.
okay lah,
except for the last part. ><

yeah. then went home with wingyan,jinteng,ju.

today had napfa also ._.
fail by 26 sec leh x.x
wasted sia. run like siao somemore.

whole day was so so boring.

atl got nothing post lah.
cos blog so dead couldnt resist >.<

bye ♥
Friday, July 18, 2008 @ 10:33 PM
hellos dearest treasured readers!!!

Kyaaaah im so sorry for neglecting my blog for ONE WEEK!!!!

so so busy this week.
homework a lot.
and stayed back a lot too.

wahsehs today co okay lah,
but mrs ng keep me for like one hour plus plus cos i failed my maths test for 0.5 marks.
do wad algebra question.
then still must wait for turn to mark paper. so sian lah,
starving sia.
then ju,yurou,ziyue,jinteng,bohchoo all waiting for me outside like very kelian,
so i asked them all go eat first (:

then was like quickly quickly finish my maths stuffs so can go eat.
i had to run up co room take pencil case cos i asked ju help me take bag up first -.-
so stupid luhs.
run up run down.

then was like crapping with HEISHEHUI (:
we had fun laughing at a lot of nonsensical stuffs. (:
ooh~ i just love HEISHEHUI~

i kept going on about her drink.
(she bought blueberry dunnowad with basil seeds)
and i kept commenting that her basil seeds looked like frog eggs! :x
ahahahahhas the memories ._.

then we didnt have a break! T.T
ahzhao kept going on and on about the same place!
so i sneaked out with peijun "to the toilet"
ended up tokking with dizi ppl.

then we were like there for five minutes plus then go in.

aft that nothing much alr.

Sunday, July 13, 2008 @ 6:13 PM
hellos all (:

im here to post again!!!! [enthu-ness]

today was a boring day ):
i lazed arnd the house.

being lazy lazy lazy today! ._.

hmm am so so sianed.
no one online to talk to sia.
and qiwen,geksai is not cool.
its very tiring can?

looking forward to wed's percuz!

tata nothing to say liaoz ._.
Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 10:57 PM
heh heh
today was quite eventful but busy.
shibanyaogu percussion so many thing to play.
play until hand tired sia.

jiangjunling always so relax derh anyhow play oso nevermind scully come one shibanyaogu,
we play until so hard.
then zhao laoshi keep saying we nid to be more "cruel"[direct translation from chinese]
ahahhahahahs lmao.
like we never use energy mehs? -.-

ju say she see us hit the drum hit until vibrate a lot lehhs ._.
den i was all trying to be "cruel"
so i think my face look kind of geksai bah.
urgh. lmao.
qiwen stiu say cool.
rongher oso.
their definition of cool so different from normal people ah -.-

haiz haiz.
so in the end tired lor[duh -.-]
plus morning stiu napfa run practice and do 16 pull up and standing broad junp somemore.
eeks.i hate pe on Fris.

now left leg painer niah.
cos part of it oso cos i ytd nite leg cramp -.-
haiz. ahahahs,
ma calling to sleep le.

goodnight (:
@ 10:53 PM
Those were the days.

First you say you won't,
then you say you will.
U keep me hanging on.
Got me on my knees baby
You're killing me.

Yeah,those were the days where i was so stupid.
I'm may not love another as wholeheartedly again.
Cos i don't wanna get hurt again.

The feeling sucks.
Thursday, July 10, 2008 @ 5:27 PM
duh duh duh duh

wahsehs busy busy busy this few days. no time to post sia.



wad shud i post??

nothing post sia. ><



really nothing post niah.

when i got thing post then post.


Saturday, July 5, 2008 @ 11:13 PM

here are some photos i took today:

@ 10:40 PM
LOL (:

today performance really quite good.
ah zhao was jumping arnd a little and smiling away.
then zhang laoshi said our performance was excellent (:
then we very high liao
nd junhong conducted another round of jiangjunling
then in the middle of it he threw his conductor stick down and let us run ourself.

i got almost cry on some occasions.
as evryone knows,junhong alr sec 4 alr and he going prelim soon.
so that time was the last time he conduct co leh.
so sad he keep saying bout he leaving.
quite a few ppl cry leh.
so gan dong haiz.


*how bout a round of appluse?*
*claps wholeheartedly*
after performance we ate packet zai mifen which was okay lah,
then bused 812 to mrt station and took mrt home.

aaron tht retarded ass was trying to learn shibanyaogu the first part for drum.
then he kept getting evrything wrong at first.
after an hour slightly better.

hai i think i going soon.
tired. ahahahs.
high finish liaoz.
goodnight (:
Friday, July 4, 2008 @ 10:51 PM
i think i should tone down my zi-high personality.
cos its really tiring jumping here and there and being hyper and enthu lols.
ahahahas crap right lols.
hmmm...but its true.

maybe too stress alr got sch anni and all the rehearsals,
so maybe lately become sort of sot already.
there,its starting again -.-

hmm...im a bit tired.
i guess im going off soon.
@ 10:26 PM
hey guys sry bout not updating,
this week seriously too busy alr.
evryday reach home 7-8 plus alr,stiu nid eat,bathe nd homework.
nd u know how slow i eat ._.

yeah so by the time do evrything then bedtime liao lo lols.
i not like some ppl live in yishun can reach home quickly [sobsobs]
haiz. wah these few days rly rly tired lols.

one sch anniversary so busy alr.
imagaine syf.
wah everyday stay back lols.
today performance very scary,
the stupid cha holder loosened itself and the cha dropped down.
okay,drop down never mind,
but it still bounce round like mocking us liddat and make a lot of noise T.T

haiz. hopefully tml would not liddat.
tml wearing white long sleeves and black pants.
and zhang laoshi say nid wad bow.
eek. hopefully we wont look like waitresses.

percussion so kelian nid wear wad bow T.T
y cant we just wear blazers like the rest?! .___.
so tml performance jiayous for all the people performing!!!
CCHY jiayou jiayou jiayou!!!!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008 @ 5:24 PM
hey hey im back. i shall do tag replies ahahahhaahs.

jasmine: hi ._.

ziyue: my eyes are fine -.-

jesmond: thanks retard ._.

jiamin: hihi DBK

kelly: hellos lols.

jinteng: thanks (:

aaron: hahas thx

blah blah blah i think im nt catching up with my schwork.
i dont seem to understand nd know how to do my maths.
aiya,always liddat aft holidays de.
maybe too slack liao lols.

today went to khatib central to eat mac for lunch.
jm had an *incident with tomato =P
crapped with regina & fangyi.
din tok much to jx, ju, bird which was @ next table o.o
then went buy long black pants for sch anniversary performance.
damn auntie can a nt? >< lmao.

now struggling to understand and do maths homework ._.
haiz. die liao. lols.
tml gt co rehearsal with main sch co.
hope dont hit wrongly. later lao kui. lols.

oh btw. today mdm ng was choosing to-be prefects.
corrina volunteered.
regina kena-ed.
adamant kena-ed.
zhuang peng kena-ed.
got another i dunno hu.
forgot liao lols.
i also kena-ed ._.

whats ur problem?
ur always with her now.
nd hardly with me.

oh well, never mind.
at least i have him.
and u cant say i talk too much to him.
it wasnt me.

it was u.

this hyperactive front?
this chatty person?

no. its all just a lie.

aiya damn emo nowadays.
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