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Monday, July 28, 2008 @ 10:28 PM
here to update yi xia lols.today recess so damn dramatic. actually eat one lor mai kai quite song alr. then follow regina they all go sports hall. then i itchy hand nothing to do. took fangyi's wallet ._. threw it at basketball basket thingy. gotstuck x.x normally wont de lor. maybe today fangyi suay lor x.x anyhow throw then kena stuck. then i had to get it down. cos i boliao go throw up in first place -.-" yeah,in the end ask mr yong go help. so.... sia. hahahhahahs. THen aft that came the more interesting part!!! hahaha. 1st august is jiamin's bday. her pa ask her take 100 dollar treat us eat $.$ yeah,she decided to qing sushi. SAKAE somemore. richkid. yeah. i think i nearly spent her whole 150 allowance. ordered 4 plates of sashimi!!!! of course,i shared (: ahahahhahas, got yellowtail,maguro,and two plate of salmon sia. x.x their salmon so fresh. ahahhahahahhas. then went watch movie: Prom Night. hahahs. very thriller and got a lot of suspense. but then ending not very good. too sudden. the girl finally kill the pervert then end. so stupid -.- i see the others i shocked sia. all the bag use to cover their faces like very scared liddat. actually no lor. the movie got censor the ugly parts neh. and no blood wad. i see bring them go watch nc 16 all die liao. lmao ahahahahs. hahas aft that walked home with ju and crapped. we stand on the road waiting to cross suddenly she say what "eh gardenia leh" i was so -.-''' cross road oso talk bout food. hahhas. gtg byes (: but you're right, cos we'll never know. but,i know i'll probablly fail. and yeah, its time i gave up. p.s: i got new bag! -.- |