hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Saturday, August 30, 2008 @ 1:07 PM
i changed skin again.
this one so nice.
got ziyue's boyfriend there somemore.

ytd went back to woodgrove.
saw many many old friends & teachers.
missed them a lot O:

then ate there the food also.
the canteen uncles/aunties stiu rmb us leh.
a bit gandong ;x

then stiu say "you kong hui lai ah"

saw mdm ruku!
still jovial as always.
didnt look as if she had grown old in the past year.

woodgrove piano so high quality derh.
not like chung cheng a bit sot sot ;D

saw a lot a lot of PPL!

i saw kelly,windy,huihong,joanne ng,joanne(6e),xinyi,leshia,ansar,sharvin,sathya,yogaraj,rachel,deepa,xuedi,zixiang,huiting,a lot lot more.
forget liao lah :/

i also saw HUANWEN LEH! and her friend.
also CO de.
didnt know they woodgrove de worh o.o

then went home lor.
nothing do.
go do the F&N -.-
Thursday, August 28, 2008 @ 7:33 PM
hey guys im back lols.
zzzzzzz lah this few days suddenly got so many rumours about me.
sia lah.

anyway,today was CO photo taking/ mdm tin farewell party.
i think i accidentally made someone angry ):
sorry uhs.
is just i keep calling u u never hear thats y must oi.
plus i know my tone very er ahem.
yeah sorry luh :/

anyway..photo a bit sian.
just fake smile a bit.
dunno how smile sia ._.
im EMO x)

when step in to co room today tio shock.
drum set all over the place T.T
no more playing ):

co performance really good sia.
the dan yuan ren chang jiu very very nice,
but was sorta sad?
cos mdm tin leaving.

wed went laorenyuan.
a bit hard to communicate eh.
was trying to speak bits of hokkien and cantonese.
and understand malay somemore ._.
but i really felt for those lao ren.
they so kelian leh nobody want to care for them send then to homes.
then some got dementia also dun know whats happening around them.
i cried a bit eh.
like a tear or two dropped.
then teacher come quickly rub ._.


today also had prize presentation leh.
got book/cd voucher.
can buy new cd or ouran eh (:
tml going back woodgrove aft school.

it'll be my first visit back sia.
im so bad xD never go c them for so long.
scully forget liao ):


p.s: er. just try to put up with it yeah.
Monday, August 25, 2008 @ 9:53 PM
hey guys,
just now went class blog.
i changed the skin and posted.
nobody take initiative post derh.
so dead sia ):


sian arh tml got frisbee competition eh.
always wake up late drag myself to school.
but then always stand there.
then they all say: chiong ah!
then run run run -.-
stupid leh. zz
monitor/monitress always tio sabo de

then next day,going swami home do cip and visit old folks.
will bring music player! ♥
for bus trip ;x

but since that day is wednesday, i miss percussion eh.
so bad luh.
zzzzz no running around with panda sia ):
okay lah,at least wont sweat lah.
but no sectional ehs!

zzz fri too sian alr.
got aces day then no combined sia.
go back pri sch.
i think teachers all forget me liao.
im so unfaithful i haven go back to visit them in like...
eight months sia. =P bleh

scully lao kok kok alr.
got one day i actually saw wang laoshi eh.
but she didnt see me lah zzzzzz -.-

and hor, u know blogger the small fonts like disappeared le leh o.o
i also dunno y.
will update 'profile' part soon.
the 'micellaneous' thingy also.
soon lah.
when got time.
zzz hungry eh ._.


maths so sian de.
angles half the time dunno wad she tokking sia x.x
die le lah.
must bucke up sia.
this time common test so lan.

EOY must at least get top three uh.
Sunday, August 24, 2008 @ 10:57 PM
hey hey should post some old old pics that ppl dont care about liao.
its alr so late x.x
i shud slp liao eh.

this is panda cutie :x

this is ziyue & panda cutie

Saturday, August 23, 2008 @ 6:22 PM
oh man im so lazzzzy to update lah.

ytd was a bad-pronounciation day ;x
shant elabo.
if ure curious to know,then go ziyue sibiantai blog.
she describe until very DETAILED.
its sort of sick. watch out!

ytd jiaying oso emo-ed.
but ah zhao quite good leh.
he actually helped us improve drumming skills during break.
yep. the are b4 fan quai 4.
very hard to link mah.
then he help us.

he was so NICE!!!!!!!! ;DDDD

then the rest okay lah.
we ate cream crackers taht jiaee actually bought for the people at SWAMI home.
dunno y she gave us though -.-
like we all old ppl liddat.

b4 co we went to the bbt shop at khatib mrt buy drink.
ziyue tagged along with jinteng,ju,jm and yurou.
but she didnt buy anything cos she alr asked jiaee buy.
then she kept trying drink mine hahas.

went back, percussionists all drank mine.
strawberry milk tea got so nice meh? xD

ya. my topics are jumpin all over the place -.-

then today,atl supposed to do F&N research.
ms suffy ytd then give the list eh.
so many things research all mon must hand x.x
a lot of hw sia. zz.

oh yeah i rmb;ytd did aces day dance also.
prefects nid to lead the grp.
guess i was looking somewhat retarded bah ._.

rmb another thing also.
ytd at co,all percussionists tried jiaee's no degree fake black specs.
april looked GREATEST with it.
could act emo xD

junhong also try.
actually got pic.
but received warning from ziyue that if he sees his pic on our blogs,we all die.
too bad lah,cannot share x)

nvm lor...
[pssst,wanna see ask me in person. muahahahha!]

jiamin said he looked like some psycho pervert in tv shows,preferbly with a coat or cap.

then... dunno leh.

like nothing much liao.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 @ 9:30 PM

today was percuz day!
and photo taking too.
hope i didnt look too retarded taking photo.
stiu must act wenrou put hand on lap stiu must left hand on top of right.
japanese sia x.x

then co photo everybody stand according to height.
im in the middle,quite normal i think ..
but stiu felt very short -.-

then missed chi lesson cos wait very long for photo shoot.
but in the end turn out tml then take.
zz wait so long.

then went for lunch with ziyue,jiamin,junli.
as usual. emerged last for eating -.-
they keep calling me eat faster -.-

then went for sectional brushed up lan drumming skills.
better liao with pro jiaying muahaha.
LOL then went runing around with panda during break (:
jiamin say from her section of the co room can keep seeing the panda kena dropped into their section. ahahhahas my fault.
i think they sorta expect to see flying pandas everywhere on wednesdays bah?

then went home on 812 with percuz ppl!

zz blog die le lah.
and co tee so ex. $17!!!

k lah.

Saturday, August 16, 2008 @ 2:08 PM
er hi da jia.

zzzz today woke up early for prefect thingy.

later then say.

must say friday the good stuff first,


lunched with ziyue.
had a slow time eating.
was slightly crapping.

then went to co room.
couldnt find drum set stick.
didnt touch drum set at all T.T

then aft that nothing to important.

mdm teo like leaving i think then junhong they all like trying to get her not to leave then buy lots of doraemon magnets from seven eleven paste on whiteboard to make a ZHANG LAO SHI< WO MEN AI NI! and got heart shape somemore ♥

yeah. then when preparing for combined something hilarious happened.
the double bass ppl: desmond and sunchang were like standing there looking squeezed and uncomfortable lah.then i very kind-hearted. ask ziyue maybe help to move the cymbal a bit so they got more space.
then er. the cymbal was at a weird postiion that i didnt really see until ziyue touched it. muahahahhaha ._.

yeah. it was near desmond's ahem.[back]
then she touched the cymbal and realise it was at the wrong position and accidentally press onto it and hit desmond de back.

then he like gave a ... look.
then ziyue and i laughing like siao.
then another thing happened.

ziyue spewed saliva.
it was so retarded,
i laughed until insane uh.
laugh finish.
look at each other.
then laugh again.
and the cycle repeats itself until we have calmed down xD

wonder got anybody see the incident(s) a not.
ahahahhahahhhas lmao lah.

and she told me she left her sci tb and co file in my classroom.
zzzz. mon must take for her. so mafan.

then combined started.
chen laoshi didnt arrive till 4.15.
we played badly because our PROKIA jiaying wasnt here.
zzzzzzz i play dajungu until like shit sia.

but the ahzhao very good.
quite patient with us.
like never scold or anything.
then got so many teachers somemore zzzz laokui -.-


okay nothing more interesting. shant elaborate on the lan drumming ):


today woke up early and nearly missed the bus -.-
took 969 to sch.
met fangyi at the khatib bus stop.
walked in, blah blah blah.

then soon,the dance thingy started.
atl is aces day dance lah.
we prefects have to learn both mirror images and students' moves leh.
so hard keep switching here and there.
got some retarded parts where i stoned cos could not follow T.T

overall very fun neh!
got the retro music and the kickboxing moves so cute!
yeah walked to mrt and buy bbt aft that.
then went home watch olympics (:

-end-of-story- ;D
Thursday, August 14, 2008 @ 4:36 PM
common tests finally OVER!
ahahahhahahhahs can finally slack liao woohoos!
now can watch all the olympics in the world and slack sia!!!!

i thought i could finally relax today.
after all the studying.
but then what happened today afternoon?
do you know that i have been trying to put up with you?
NO u dont.
u know why?
cos u two only care about urself.
so selfish.
the world only exists around u two.
u never think of what others have been feeling.
im never gonna be the nice person again.
when u try to be nice to others u end up being bullied.
how nice.

why cant u guys just co-exist peacefully?
cant u just apologise to each other and start all over again?
it used to be YOUR problem.
but now it affects the whole group of us.
all because of YOUR selfish acts.
a simple handshake.
a simple word.
thats just what u have to say.
is it so hard?

but those two are the worse.
at least im better off without u.
Friday, August 8, 2008 @ 3:12 PM
blog half dead le -.-
today was Chung Cheng Family Bazaar Day!
quite fun lah.
the boys at frm our class keep using powder to make us -.-
so idiotic.

then bought a lot of things (:
bought coke float from 2H which was a bit...;D u know xD
ahahhahas. jiamin make de ._.
yeah. bought ice pop from 2g which made my hand numb.
so cold ._.
then bought bubble tea from 2e.
Chermaine keep saying must wait for milk tea to come lols.
then wait a while finally can drink liao ._.
yeah. quite nice lah lols.
on the way keep asking ppl come our stall.
so retarded.

went walking the whole school with suaku brother.
really suaku LOL.
she just tell me her legs aching -.-" lols.

then soon,we sell finish our stuffs when its almost time for my shift!
so good no need work! xD
jiaee keep pestering us to buy from her stall.
at first chermaine oso ._.
ahahahhas everybody also lah.
like market o.o
lols jkjk.

today no co!!!
wanted to go co room play.
but didnt cos i next week got common test.
so zidong rite :D
hahahhas i tried snatching jiaee's panda but failed.
but gained a yellow balloon dog/rabbit.
LOL free sia (:

then now going bathe soon.
too sticky le.
must revise also ><

Tuesday, August 5, 2008 @ 4:44 PM
changed a new skin.

today wore tie to school ._.
prefect mah zz.
a lot of people see me don't believe i trainee prefect.
all give me O.O face.
esp evil and jiaxin lah.
aaron also.
-.- lame shit.

yeah actually they wanted assign duties today de but in the end they say tml ._.
yeah and today got frisbee workshop also.
quite fun lah.
but dont really know what rules they tokking.
anyhow then wad "chiong ah!" -.-"

CO getting cancelled for TWO weeks sia!!!! ><
eeeee why no percussion???
i want my sectional lahhhh ):
i want play panda.
i want play pushcart-rollercoaster.
i want my BLIND DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

k enough. -.-

blog dead alr.
haiz cham.
today actually forgot bring school badge><
then asked from jesmond ._.

then he never give me.
i look around also never see him.
then prefect scold me never wear badge.
so in desperation went to borrow from corrina lols.

jesmond slow lah. LOL
i borrrow very long already then he come.
zzzz lols.
then stiu say wad waste his time.
LOL jkjk.
hahas thanks lah.

later going watch movie with family.
so gonna bathe soon ._.

aishiteru ♥
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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...