hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Sunday, September 28, 2008 @ 1:21 PM
u know whats the main theme of this blogskin?
i think its messy.
who cares anyway.
i need something fresh lmao.

haiz nowadays keep mugging.
zz lah. history so many things remember cant even rmb much.
mr tan stiu ask us make concept map.
thats wad i gonna do later.

now doing chi compo.
tml must hand sia.
tml stiu have home ec practical ToT
die liao lah,
zzz hope wont fail.

everyone jiayous bah!
two more weeks to freedom!
Sunday, September 21, 2008 @ 5:13 PM

hehhehs although said not onlining often, but couldnt bear to let blog die O:

so here to post some pictures from long ago! (:

the time where we went to cwp's swensens to celebrate birdie's birthday!

birthday girl! <3

this was actually the dry ice that was for decorating the 'earthquake'
we played with it and turned into this -.-

guess whats the main point of this picture (:

we threw the panda there. (ziyue and me). okay lah, i admit its me lah -.-

nice pose though xD

the panda's waving. awwww so cute rite! x)

i swear that one was not on purpose, dunno who throw so zhun stuck at the pujia xD

aww missed. wanted to catch her face for revenge against her. but panda cute!

muahahaha! this is the best picture lmao!


here's a retarded pic for u! xDDDD


everyone jiayous for exams bah!


Sunday, September 14, 2008 @ 7:38 PM
friday pics (:
CUTEE PANDA!!!!!!!!!!!


i was chatting with rongher senior just now, then went to eat ;S
100% entertainment! (:


argh next week got lots of tests.

maybe history test on monday and then chinese oral too! :S

GAH my chinese pronounciation is not good de ;'C

BLEH i hate EOYs ._.

and and,tml like maybe got home ec practical ehs! T.T

so must revise loh.


(: (: (:
Saturday, September 13, 2008 @ 8:38 PM



my playlist i cnt load eh.
but qh tell me can eh -.-
mayb is own user cannot hear de -.-

60th post!

Thursday, September 11, 2008 @ 7:35 PM

wah so long nvr update blog le.

no wonder its dead :'c


these few days have been busy busy busy.

but dunno do what also leh o_o

then no time online and post lor.

yah. and a lot ppl tag me for the quiz sia x.x

im gonna combine! x)

1. The person[s] who tag you is.

2. Your relationship with him/her is.

3. Your five impression of him/her.
j-pig pig pig pig pig

4. The most memorable thing he/she had done for you.
z-hmm,too much.
a-lend psp =P
j-lend sch badge xD

5. The most memorable thing he/she had said to you.
a-biantai -.-
j-nothing. he dont tok much

6. If he/she become your lover, you will...-
z-love her back
a-get my eyes checked
j-be admitted to mental hospital for being crazy

7. If he/she become your lover, the thing he/she has to improve on will be...
z-nothing. maybe tok less.
a-impossible lah -.-
j- even more impossivle lor -.-

8. If he/she become your enemy, you will...
j-lose a friend

9. If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be..
z-how can?
a-too biantai
j-call me fat -.-

10. The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is.
a-call him biantai

11. Your overall impression of him/her is.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you.

13. The characters you love about yourself are.

14. On the contrary, the characters you hate yourself are.
-sometimes like to suan ppl ><

15. The most ideal person you want to be is.

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
-same to u (:

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.

Pass to people that have blog only.
(can dont do de, just put to ans q only)

1. ziyue
2. jiamin
3. jasmine
4. jinteng
6. aaron
7. fangyi
8. jesmond
9. chermaine
10. regina

18.Who is no.6 having relationship with? ( aaron)
- not sure eh, too many liao =P

19.Is no.9 a male or female? (chermaine )

20.If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing? ( fangyi and regina)
-yeah xD

{NOTE, there is a missing question!}

22.What is no.2 studying about? ( jiamin)
- how to produce cake

23. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3? (jasmine )
-just now

24.What kind of music band does no.8 like? (jesmond )
-whatever is on his blog

25. Does no.1 have any siblings? (ziyue )

26.will you woo no.3? (jasmine)
-ee no. she got TOOT alr. (:

27.How about no.7? ( fangyi)
-she also got TOOT (:

28. Is no.4 single? ( jinteng)
-i think so

29.What is the surname of no.5? ( yurou)
-xu (:

30.What 's the hobby of no.10? (regina )
-watch ouran!

31. Does no.5 and no.9 get along well? (yurou and chermaine )
- they dunno each other

32.Where is no.2 studying at? ( jiamin)
-cake-producing factory

33.Talk something casually about no.1 (ziyue )

34.Have you tried developing feelings for no.8? (jesmond)
-eee. y develop feelings for someone hu hangs pigs? (:

35.Where does no.9 live at? (chermaine )
- not sure eh x(

36.What colour does no.4 like? (jinteng )
-i think is blue leh

37. Are no.5 and 1 best friend ? ( yurou and ziyue)
- i think so x)

38.Does no.1 have any pets? ( ziyue)
- percussion panda!

39. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world? (fangyi )
-yes only to TOOT (:

40. What is no. 10 doing now? ( regina)
- not sure x(

bye byes!
it ha been a long post! xD
Saturday, September 6, 2008 @ 11:55 PM

was chiong-ing homework today.

currently stiu have the F&N 3 day food study haven do only ):

maths was VERY hard. O:

some haven even teach yet.
dont understand sia.
left some blanks.


fri actually could get co tee.
in the end postpone to next week cos got some problems with the erm.
information provided i think.

and yay to taiwan trip!
LOL never go b4.
quite excited lah.
yay yay yay! ^^

fri's CO was a bit... sucky.

ah zhao was VERY fast sia.

the "house" four damn fast.
aiyo. peijun say we very fast.
zijian say we slow.
ah zhao a bit bad mood leh i think.

he was a bit bushuang.
and peijun the paigu there she keep messing up; very difficult to play.
he was like keep bu-shuang-ing D:

break,went out buy kickapoo i think.
then went back lor.

played aaron's psp during breaks ;D

i got nothing post liao sia. x.x

sometimes i just hate u so much.
ur language, how u seem not to care.
but u always seem to get me to forgive u ; on my own accord.
bleh. i really hate u.
bleh. ><

p.s: sorry to whoever sat near drum set during jiangjunling.
i know the cymbal very loud.
but cant be helped wad
Monday, September 1, 2008 @ 10:35 PM
here's a great question:

Since when did new yolks start giving out electricity?

the ans:

when they touch escalators and touch ppl.


ppl tio sot.

so idiotic ehs.
today went DRUM CIRCLE UNBOUND with percussionists (:

was supposed to meet at 12.30 at khatib mrt.
everyone was punctual!
then we took mrt towards city hall.
was playing with jiaee's panda and black glasses.
she showed us the new combination :
big-headed panda with panda case!
it looked so weird x.x lmao.

then we alight at the er. tanjong pagar i think.
we actually wanted eat zheng can de but then all the food at the building so ex so we decided to eat pancakes instead ._. LOL.
bought chocolate and green tea pancakes from JOLLIBEAN!
i said the chocolate one look a bit like sai.
really lor, inside so brown de lols xD
in the end, only eat one cos too full.
green tea one stiu here ehs xD

then went to SINGAPORE CONFERENCE HALL to register and buy drinks.
hahas. didnt buy in the end.
save money sia. :x

then we register at the table there in front of the exhibition hall and got a yellow paper.
introduction lai de ._.
then soon,
went into the hall and sit down.
kept laughing sehs but dunno why ;x
maybe cos too quiet le.

the starting part quite boring.
instructor tok tok tok.
tok wad is drum circle, percussion blah blah blah ._.
then aft that tok more bout the drums .
got western de (:

then we go and try lor.
kok here kok there.

then instructor teach us wad "dance" ah.
leg must sway here and there to counts of three.
then hand must clap to counts of three.
third count must loud.
the loud one is same as leg sway.
LOL confusing rite liddat say.
then stiu must make wad tsk tsk sound at six beat count.
nobody go do tsk tsk sound lors lols. x.x

then instructor put us into grps.
luckily sit beside ziyue, although diff grp x.x
got this super-friendly guy beside ziyue kept tokking to us.
chao friendly and nice! :D
but so stupid,
didnt ask for his name.

i play wad maracas.
like got the two clubs thingy in side got beads then must shake shake de.
mine special. egg sehs. -.-

is RED coloured egg.
inside got beads ._.
must shake shake shake look like retard.
somemore beats of 8 de.
chao diff from rest of the grp.

so hard to count.
aft that a bit better.

then we change instruments.
i play xiaotang gu! ♥
i dont know how say the beat sia. lols.

then shortly aft; workshop ended.
ziyue say the friendly guy look a bit like her primary school friend.
i say look a bit like someone from band in cchy.
but is definitely not cos wearing elsewhere de uniform.

yups. although workshop ended, the day was far from over!
[edit: eek accidentally press publish without finishing -.-]
we went city hall there to eat.
on the way ziyue started dian-ing me.
first time tio sot i ask her stay far far away.
i say i tio sot she say " got meh"
second time more pain she finally siam ;D
LOL jiaee also got a bit of dian.
but not as much as ziyue lah.
no wonder she so many TOOT lah :/

went all the way there eat KFC -.-
yeah but then the road to KFC so long sia.
LOL we walk from city hall cut to raffles shopping centre then walk walk until reach suntec.
stiu must walk a long way b4 reach basement.
aiyo. lols.

reach basement ; so deserted sia.
the KFC only one or two ppl only.
bought cheesy bbq meltz student meal! xD
eat halfway a bit full liao ._.
then ahma wanted take us up to third floor.
ziyue and jiaee so funny say: wo de dao you shi ah ma!

went upstairs 3rd floor de MY. PLAYground shop shop.
nobody de eh.
not much ppl.
and most of the shops closed de lor.
deserted ;D

went to this cosplay-y shop.
got lots of jap stuffs.
saw one L stuffed toy.
bbut not cute de lor.
the hair so zzz one.

saw a jap uniform also.
ask ziyue go wear sia.
say buy for her bday also dont want xD
the skirt super short and the top super close-fit de.
lol i sound so biantai xD

then went arcade! xD
star factory.
wanted to play ehs.
but then i decided to conserve money instead! xDDD
didnt play O:
but peijun and jiaee and brevian got play;

i got "join in" a little xP
play liao arm super tired but so high too! :P

aft that off to koi pond!
i said wanted to bring them go de ._.
so long nvr go suntec a bit forget how go le.
we reached the koi pond ehs!
the koi so fat de.
seriously overweight ._.
peijun say cute xD

then went to cocoa tree i think.
to buy chocolate! ^^
bought two bars.
one for parent one for me.
so xiao sun rite (:
BHB ._.

by the time go home leg tired liaoz.
felt like slping on mrt sia x.x

then went home lors.
so fun sia today (: (: (:

so sorry, but i still haven got over it yet.
cos u dont seem to change.
mayb one day, i'll break apart.
then u might know u were wrong.
its like i dont matter anymore in your hearts.
u only treasure each other ; everyday .

days turn into weeks.
weeks turn into months.
sooner or later,
there is now a big gap between us.

i am willing to cross it.
but are you?
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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...