hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Thursday, October 30, 2008 @ 1:52 PM
something is so depressing.
hai. listening to depressing songs and thinking depressing thoughts now. -.-
zz sian.

i hungry must go out buy rice -.-
and tml got practice must do high retarded MAN actions as taught by chenlaoshi -.-
cos he conducting.
i think i wan pontang tml -.-

just that things may not be what they seem, although i thought i felt something for a moment.
and it was gone.

却学不会放手 怎麼走
Wednesday, October 29, 2008 @ 9:28 PM
wow sia lah these few days very busy and tired.
everyday like got school liddat wake up 5 plus. wth -.-
then nearly late for reporting today -.-

today publicity talk went canberra and sembawang primary.
canberra not bad lah, my cousin school hehheh.
canberra got very nice de pond, reminds me of woodgrove (:

sembawang primary okay lah.
a bit old. and dirty ;x
muahaha insulted ahgong.

sembawang backstage damn squeezy.
yayaya then aft that come back school lor.
damn hot.
then kena locked out from co room.
someone lock then peijun call me say she got key lmao.

yup. then sectional practice yuzhoukaige at first,
suddenly junhong come in say what change to shibanyaogu.
i practise the yunluo until wan die they tell me shibanyaogu.
angry ehs ;c

then went home feeling like a dead person. so tired mans.
Sunday, October 26, 2008 @ 7:59 PM
1. Do you have secrets?
}yes duh.

2. How do you explain love?

3. Do you enjoy going to school?
}okay la.

4. What would you do with a billion dollars???
}get whatever i want.

5. Would you fall in love with yr best friend??
} depends.

6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?

7. List out your currnet 10 favourite songs.
-danson's album. (10 songs inside)

8. If the person you secretly like is attached, what would you do??
-give up.

9. Is there anything that has made you extremely happy?

10. List the artists you listen to

11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?

12. What is currently the most important thing(s) to you???
-studies and relationships.

13. What is the kind of person you think who tagged you is??
-no one tagged me ><

14. Would u rather have an ugly but rich or handsome but poor husband??
-handsome. LOLLLL

15. What are your favourite colours?

16. Would you give an all in a relationship?

17. If you fall in love with 2 person sitmultaneously, who would u pick?
-whoever my heart tells me to.

18. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing someone has done?
-i forget but dont forgive.

19. Do you prefer being single or in a relationship???

20. 5 ppl to tag:
-none. rawr.
Saturday, October 25, 2008 @ 8:30 PM
wow i love my new blogskin!

i edit one leh!
edit from thebikiniboy's number...er. i forgot la :/
got orange colour font and is "shut up and be a good girl" i think.
yeah,and i edit till liddat.
with maggie's help! hahas i dunno how put the pic.

the pic from maniapooh's blogskin but i dont really like the navi layout so i combine the pic with bikiniboy's layout which i like ^^

heh heh crap blah xDDD

i love super standout cbox!
Friday, October 24, 2008 @ 10:42 PM
yay Rolling Love rocks~

its actually 翻滚吧,蛋炒饭! for ppl who dont know :/

and its very very nice!
it features danson tang ♥, jiro wang , genie zhuo and some siao ppl. (:
its a story about a blind girl (xiao shu) who met a guy (mi qi ling) at the countryside near the sea who runs a chao fan stall near the seaside. the girl has an ex/friend who is a world-renowned chef called leng lie. and so...etc etc ;D

go watch. super nice siol.

cry cry cry ._.

wed was percussion.

ziyue lost her handphone which has lan bluetooth on the bus. -.-
we played panda during percuz.
chenlaoshi taught us shibanyaogu "man" actions ._.
jiaee was cute. still is lah! ;DDD

everybody was crazy.
turned off lights and play panda hide-and-seek.
screams could be heard :/
junhong barged in and had a gong expression.

ehhehheh xD

then thurs went promotion talk ; pont lessons ;D
was late ; missed rehearsal.
go ai tong.
nice (:

big stage hehheh. got air con too.
nice backstage plus cool piano.

marsiling was ...
ugly ._.
nvms ;D antique organ/piano there. no electricity socket though .__.
ahma brevian sat on the antique ahma looking chair.

on the bus,mama peijun spent some time with papa doing ____
hehs, just playing pipa only ;D

jiaee dont get me in trouble hor.
if say mama and papa ___ i die -.-

yeah next promotion talk on 28th!
ahmad ibrahim!
no offence, only to ziyue ;D
Wednesday, October 22, 2008 @ 10:49 AM
i met a shuaige at the bus interchange yesterday ._.
good morning, i am bored and elearning sucks.

i cant recieve module 2 for the project superband manager.
thus,i am stoning in front of the computer waiting for mr victor tan to reply my help email.
or,waiting for module 2 to magically fly into my computer.


tired lah. not enough sleep and stone in com so long liao.
zz later still have co. crap i hope elearning not graded.
Monday, October 20, 2008 @ 4:35 PM

ever since the day i met you, i knew you were QIANBIAN =.=


70th post!

TOday went school early early in the morning for CO.arrived at 10 plus and
kept ziyue waiting. OBI. then went co room slack slack a while and find back
missing "singapura" pu.BREVIAN &
came leh! we happy happy no need play lor so slack a lot. all
let seniors play
;D didnt practice much today also wad. break so long
somemore -.-

Then went Northpoint eat KFC with ziyue. kope cheese fries
muahaha.fun eh. went looking for _____ & _______'s presents. mostly is _______ la. SO hard find for that person -.-

hees. then come back do things. zz.
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 2:04 PM
aiyo. blog die liao. =.=

mood not very good man.

zz. just realised something. BAD.


on the brighter side, ma got rent drama for me watch eh (:

nicey nice.

i also discovered that ziyue quite les -.-

its gonna rain! =.=


why so cold?
is it that hard?

there's more hate than love.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008 @ 8:27 PM
H E L L O S ;D

wah tired. x.x

today went YISHUN primary and CHONGFU primary to perform for the promotion talk.

set off at 8 plus (:

on the bus ziyue was suaku-ing about what she never come to "this part of yishun before".

i was like, -.- "u live in yishun leh"

she say what she live high-class area.


reached yishun primary .__.

then take all the instruments go up hall lor. -.-
that "garfield thing" very heavy lor omg.
carry until wan die.
i think my arms grow longer liao lor.
carry until stretch liao .__.

their hall is like damn small.
same for the stage plus back stage.
got ladder leading to a room on the top one leh .__.
so interesting!
plsu it was so zzz hot inside.

perform i play wrongly leh ._.
but heng cannot spot mistake.
is cos not clear what to play -.-

zz lah.
next wed have promotion talk but i cannot go! ):
got stupid elearning omg -.-"

haiz yishun primary seems to like wushu more than us.
they keep cheering and clapping for wushu and quite quiet for CO -.-
but at least they not bratty and qianbian like chongfu peeps lor -.-

wahlau go chongfu carry instruments again.
half-dead liao.
then reach chongfu we early ; assembly start at 10.25.

so we go canteen eat first :D
wah when we come down from bus got one super-qianbian guy call me and/or ziyue girl leh o.o -.-
so short stiu call what girl -.-*(angry face)

anyway i think he was calling ziyue hehheh :D
cos he say " GIrl Girl Girl! he say u very sexy!" *points to friend*

i was alr laughing cos i thought he call ziyue girl .
i didnt hear the sexy part until ziyue told me.

chongfu damn qianbian lor omg.
we go canteen buy thing eat/drink the children cut queue wan leh -.-
wtf lor we dont act bully they cut our queue. zz.

yah then aft that while waiting for our turn to perform at backstage, (their backstage very big leh! but stiu hot -.-)
i saw the cchy video.

i saw myself hitting drum retardedly on mooncake festival performance.
i also gave a retarded action -.-
omg ;x

then aft that go back sch liao.
stiu hear mrs ng nag -.-
she today like esp naggy lor,or maybe i tired. :D

yay maths whee! i got 86 leh! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO! (: (: (:
hist i get 44/75 only.
then eng get 46/55 .__.

haiz. dunno will get how lan this time.
stiu haven full know yet!

:D :D :D

anyway special thanks to the CO people who helped ziyue and i carry percussion things.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008 @ 4:41 PM
ytd night was zzz man.

i think raining or what lah.

i watching 舞林大道 on channel u suddenly got a lot of insects in my house .__.

then watch until very happy suddenly got some big insect fly across the fan.

then the fan blew the insect at me -.-"

i screamed and jumped off the sofa man -.-

so zzzzz lor. omg ;x


woke up in the morning at 7.
wah didnt have a good sleep ytd. -.-
keep waking up.

sort of dragged the time and was a bit late ;x

but nvm lah, at least ahkiu benifit (:

took 969 to sch as usual.

then art lor.

wtf the stupid old man give me 60 marks only leh -.-

shade until hand turn black alr give me 60 only -.-

zzzz. then recess something funny happened.

i stole ahkiu's 10 cents aft i finish eating.

she didnt know until i tell her

then she keep saying" jamie! 我的钱!"

she got back her money nvm stiu keep saying what money matters,what one day can save how much -.-

bank agent xDD


then maths go lecture lor.

aft that mrs ng nag a while then go liao.
then chi!

not bad lah i got A2 leh x)


then.... science.

got A1!!! 80/100 woohoo!

xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD so happy muahaha.

hope maths doesnt kill me tml.

oh yah. tml going yishun primary and chongfu primary do the promotion talk thingy.

skip lessons! x)
Monday, October 13, 2008 @ 3:20 PM

today woke up at 7 plus to get ready for the co thingy.

took 965 and april and jiamin got on the bus on the way (:
then a while later ziyue came too.
then reach sch,back gate not open.
walk to front gate lor.

hahas chatting on the way.

then the practice is for the promotion talks for primary sch one.
co go there perform lor.

then practice at first very boring.
atmosphere was cold and zz.

aft a while, junhong decided to combine three songs.
tongyao, rhythm of the rain and singapura -.-
was a bit weird but funny LOL.

like angmoh kia sing national anthem,as jiaqin ahgong said xDD

heh heh x) then went for lunch with ziyue aft that.

go north point eat mac.
-.- got some commotion at opposite table.

then we go around looking for keychain for _______.

but all the shops renovating, so mayb next time lor.

and hor, when wan go home liao, ziyue saw many many classmates! (:

hahahhahaha she also saw s********.


i changed blogskin!

YAY! -.-"
Saturday, October 11, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
hello ppl.

aww tired.
went choosing blogskins just now but everything got problem.
made me so pekcek.



had art paper in the morning.
was okay lah.
elaine shading so pro!
like printed one sia!


then went watch movie with jinteng ju jiamin yurou pohchoo ziyue peishi.
we watch CONNECTED!
very nice.
it was hilarious man.
we had the whole movie theatre to ourselves and we crapped and made lots of noise.
yay! (:

sudd when show almost end liao got somebody come up to the exit there.
scare us man thought got other ppl watch as well -.-

hahahahhahahahahhahaha we keep laughing at all the wrong times man.
ppl cry can also laugh.
ppl car accident can also laugh.
man,we're a bunch of sadists.
esp. pohchoo lor.
omg ppl shaking the metal thing trying to escape she went ha ha ha ha ha!


i recommend the show.
a lot of action and a little comedy.

then went back to co room at 2 plus.
made new names for jiamin,ju,ziyue.

jiamin= director/fatimah O.o
ziyue=maria aka my maid xD
ju=abuneh ._.

hahahahhaha had such a fun time crapping b4 co~
played with spanner xD and popcorn.

then practice lor.
at first okay lor,not bad.
then aft break like suddenly very tired.
eyes half closed.
hit wrongly/weakly.
maybe too tired from highing in movie theatre lor.

then keep getting -.- by chenlaoshi.

ziyue and i tio selected for promotion talk ah.
something like that.
then mon must report at 9 am -.-



woke up early(8 plus) went marsiling eat roti prata with pa (:
then went swimming ._.
tired man.
cos ytd drum alr got muscle ache stiu swim.
tml sure die.

then went eat lunch lor.
ate bak kut teh.
saw a ________ look-alike as a drinks seller.

really look alike like his bro or dad.
black specs,gong,honest look.
ask me wan drink water a not. xD
go guess.

then went to admilraty park.
go see what sakura buffet restaurant.
but didnt eat.

went into jungle.
got a lot of yucky insects -.-


then now come home slack lor.


Friday, October 3, 2008 @ 3:28 PM

you dont know me and you dont even care.

they may say its true.

but deep inside, yeah, i know it's totally impossible.

for you.

to love me.

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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...