hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 10:44 PM
hello ._.

i came online expecting to find my maid there.
i expect she's reading though.
she told me what come back from library with a lot of books -.-

then fangyi talk crap with me say my previous blog post very funny (funny meh?) O:
then she left.
jiamin log in and say what her rubbish chute caught fire blah blah.
then sign out -.-
everyone leave me alone neh.

saturday nobody online meh? -.-

anyway,finished quite a lot of the hol homework liao (:
tml do the leftover one then can go bai nian liao :D

chi cher so zz.
bleh x.x

i wrote some poetic zhouji crap about what obama future stuffs :D
not bad,i think ;D
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