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Saturday, January 24, 2009 @ 10:44 PM
hello ._.i came online expecting to find my maid there. i expect she's reading though. she told me what come back from library with a lot of books -.- then fangyi talk crap with me say my previous blog post very funny (funny meh?) O: then she left. jiamin log in and say what her rubbish chute caught fire blah blah. then sign out -.- everyone leave me alone neh. saturday nobody online meh? -.- anyway,finished quite a lot of the hol homework liao (: tml do the leftover one then can go bai nian liao :D chi cher so zz. ihateyanglaoshiman. bleh x.x i wrote some poetic zhouji crap about what obama future stuffs :D not bad,i think ;D |