hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Wednesday, November 11, 2009 @ 9:54 PM
I can't say.

I can't express my thoughts.

Living life the way i like living just pisses people off.

Why are my intentions always misunderstood?
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Hey.I'm here to rid my mind of some thoughts.A lot... ^^ ? HELLO :D 啊. 好久没用华文写部落格了.哈哈.最近比较忙.6月27日刚表演,非常累哈哈.我其实也不够睡啦.通常... ah hi.back from co camp finally :Dshall report on ... LOL why am i becoming like ziyue? -.-i'm posting ... JAEJOONG jineh & Park Ji-bin cutiehaha they so cut... Kim Hyun-joong depressed over grandma!It’s tough b... haha see this i also want buy the phone can. LOL.... after mid-years