hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Saturday, December 26, 2009 @ 8:52 PM
Why should i trust you
Got a lot of problems recently.

Saturday, December 19, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
we will rock you :d

tmr is D-DAY!
ohno ohno ohno!
D: D: D:
stupid chenlaoda ask me play longteng half the paigu solo myself ugh ugh UGH S:

i hope i dont play wrongly or miss a beat. D:
hehehe and im very very touched by peijun's latest blog post :D
so touching!!

today went practice at 9.30
qimian ask me buy mac breakfast for him -.-
i reach a bit later only at 9.45 ._.
then he left alr -,-
LOL then i take the food let percussion ppl eat LOL.

hmm today after practice went to eighteen chefs to eat with percussion and jasmine and jiamin and zhengkang :D
according to ziyue, it's eighteen COWS :D
nice food, we eat alr very full -,-
the guys were like, hmm you full, i eat this still not full, eh still got other things anot? -.- -.- -.-
LOL we sat there for 2 hours ._.
kingchi and zijian entertaining themselves ._.
zhengkang keep go off to take calls LOL.

ehheh i got nothing much to say , tmr concert alr ><
jiayou CCHYCO :D
Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 6:55 PM
C A M P :D

I'm gonna post about camp :D

14-16 dec CCHYCO intensive training camp ( wth)


arrived at co room at 7.30 on the dot.
some stupid person say i late wth and make me do breakfast on third day with jiaqing [walau]
wanted to sleep during sectionals. i kept diaoing liu jiang who was being so gay -.- chenlaoda keep say what i lazy and slack . i think i was diaoing everyone ._.'

was hungry and was very sure i gonna get gastric after eating lunch ._.
but when we go eat lunch, miracously(spelling?) didnt get gastric ._.
hehe. then go back and have combined .

first day's combined was okay. forgot what we did. yaozu and jjl i think.
then dunno what le.

aft combined was dinner :D
went to eat at .. eh , forgot, i think khatib central.

heh :D

then came back for psgco.
we had no parents percussion fail LOL.
slacked by singing songs at the other side of the hall ._.

aft that went shower lalala so fun :D
we were the last :D

then slept at 12/1 plus.


woke up at 7 plus -.- got woken up by jiaqing zzz.
ate some disgusting breakfast. not nice one D:
then sectionals. i was still tired D:
then ate lunch at khatib central.
qimian zijian kingchi came i think.
i forgot when they came ><
qimian very flirt! O: LOL.
how can u pao j***** and jia** at the same time!!! :D :D :D
stupid one keep say me and jiaqing -.-

combined prac dunno do what. i dont recall. i think practice zou tai.
then aft that went dinner :D
go to the kingchi house there the kopitiam.
very fun everybody squeeze into his car :D
so nice wang laoshi :D THANKYOU! :D

reached the kopitiam ; ziyue brought wanglaoshi's water bottle down tgt -,-
LOL. we ate zhucao. ordered 4 plates of food. 2 plates fried rice, one fu jian mian, and one ee mian :D jiaee and jiayi's bandung so artificial, make me eyes spoil. too bright alr!
btw we tried to make qimian sit with j**** but he dowan. NOT FUN ONE D:

went back sch in time for psgco, but we always chiong back then see very little ppl in hall one -,-
hehheh.psgco was okay. jiayi tried learning drumset so pro! jiayi got drumset potential :D

aft psgco still cannot go bathe D: they want prac zoutai zzz D:
stoned for very lonh D:

at 11 plus then we can go bathe D: waited to bathe in the hall. jasmine was trying blazers LOL.
in the end we went down to take things and go bathe. bathe boys toilet :D
stupid boys toilet. i kicked my second toe on the divider accidentally -_- so pain!
got blue black ._.

hehe went to sleep at 1 plus @#$@$ .
thanks to zijian who lent me his jacket! :D
so comfortable! heehee! :D
slept till very shuang :D

DAY THREE (last day) :

woke up at 8 :D was delighted when i saw the time LOL.
no wonder so bright hahaha.
cos jiaqing nvr wake us up LOL.
sectionals = slack.
ate and slept and ate and slept.
percussion breakfast = potato chips :D
bbq ruffles! :D

combined was shitty.
jiaee very happy.
i told her i was in a @#%@% mood.
zhao keep shoot me for nth -.-
correct/ got play oso scold.
wrong oso scold .
stupid botak idiot -.-

then went home at 6/7 plus :D

p.s : thanks to jesmond for charger -.-
Friday, December 4, 2009 @ 11:34 PM
Today went back school for CO -.-
combined today zzz.
went to sch saw jiamin jasmine huanwen screaming at us from outisde back gate -.-
i asked jiaee to help me open door heheh.
then they scream at me -.-
they went to khatib mac to eat D:
they actually called me go but i dont eat lunch so early hehheh!

combined was not okay today -.-
stupid zhao keep shoot me today.
first song play yao zu. [shake pig]
shoot me until very what liao -.-
after that still play longteng zzz.
first time messed up kept getting blur at parts.
i nervous D: hands keep shaking -.-
but zhanglaoshi very good she say the first time she heard our longteng so good.
hai i failed D: but second time better i got less mistakes ._.

hehheh ziyue so funny today. after longteng and shibanyaogu tanboyue played yang liu qin.
ziyue so high keep skipping around HAHA. i skipped with her ._. then she go hide at the partition there -.- jiamin went in to but kena stuck cos her neh too big ._.

then went causeway point dabao mac aft combined end -.-
jasmine say what unhealthy. oh yeah and on 969 with some co ppl.
saw jonathan LOL. he looked tired from class chalet i think :/
then he very funny keep auto pilot and keep nearly bang into the person beside him!
then keep nearly fall to the aisle there HAHA.

OH and Kingchi Qimian cut hair LOL! Kingchi looks normal but Qimian looks LOL!
hehheh qimian should come back more i think he very funny. :D
and Zijian's sore throat sounds BAD O: take cares okay! why suddenly everyone sick -.-

Tmr still got combined ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ -.-
Thursday, December 3, 2009 @ 1:54 PM
CO dedications? -.-
CO how can dedicate one -.- stupid ziyue. i got nth say leh -.- can i just dedicate to ziyue -.-

Ziyue :

hey ziyue! :D it's been two years and counting! stupid slack SL always scold seniors one ! D: hehheh i like ALIEN bunny :D and i also like ziyue ♥ junsian fanclub! and u cannot ask me go die, i thought u love me! :D i'm helping you find your happiness heh hehh he!! :D btw you suck -.- :D jay chou so ugly. chao ah beng. jaejoong looks gay ._. jineh ._. only that peter pan guy look alright :D

FInished -.-

btw i cannot msg until 12th. -.- msg bao. stupid ppl keep msg me -.- :D

next week going watch New Moon with Fangyi , Regina , Jasmine , Jiamin , Me! :D

hehe i'm gonna go learn "Secret" now -,-

jiayou me!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 @ 11:04 PM

hehheh recently in posting mood. today went to sch for sectionals. turns out zhao there. then he practice longteng with suona dizi and us. kingchi zijian there too. they go lunch outside. so bad lor never call me -.- always liddat one. anyway longteng sucky. a bit into the practice i bang my little finger alr. bang it on the gu the side. pain till die. then swell to junsian size leh. potato finger -.- it's a bit crooked too D:

hmph anyway i think the person who chose longteng for playing at the concert sucks. why choose so hard de siao -.- percussion still keep change pu zzz. yeah. then after that i went to library to return books. hehheh i took bus home with chan jiamin. we were discussing the cons of living in singapore. some things we talked about :

me : eee singapore nothing do one lor. we go out also dont have thing do. can only do 3 things. watch movie, shopping, play.

jm: yeah lor. sai la. haha singapore too small alr.

LOL. we keep talking about random things on the way home hehheh. i like this slack senior! :D

Anyway, take cares kingchi! u looked very sick today! rest well! :D
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hey love, sorry i can't go out today with you :(ha... zero sometimes Why should i trust you we will rock you :d C A M P :D Today CO dedications? -.- HELLO!hehheh recently in posting mood. today went ... hehheh. that's some random guy from taiwan dancing...