hear it for
new york

JAMIE says hi

I am anti-social! :D no la just kidding why would i be anti-social? I'm so kind and positive.. not really, i'm sort of a pessimist actually. I love sarcasm and irony :D enjoy reading! :D

aaron adeline anna annice brevian ceyong chermaine chenglin cora corrina cynthia darren eeching elaine fangyi huailong huihong huitong jasmine jenny jesmond jiaee jiamin jiaqing jiaxuan jieyi jinghui jingxi jinteng joanna joey juinying junli junsian kelly kingchi liren lydia maggie minzhuang peijun qianhui qiwen queenie regina rongher samantha shahin sheryl wanru wanteng wanying wingyan xinting yichyi yihfang yurou zijian ziyue 2e'09 CCHY CO (:
Saturday, November 28, 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I'm Back :D

I'm actually blogging hehheh.
Anyway 2009 is ending O:
So actually i want post dedications for Class 2E 09~
I'm a bit late eh haha.
But better late then never! :D

But, before i start, i just wanna say i had an enjoyable stay with 1E 08/2E 09 for my two years in cchy ^^ Everyone was so friendly! :D I will definitely miss your noisiness when we all go different classes next year D: I will miss the talkback moments we had with bitchy old ahmas like ahem yang ahem laoshi. :D Up to date, i think all i have of 2E are all great happy memories :D You were a wonderful class guys ^^

Okay! Dedications! :S

# Aw Li Ren :)

Hello lab partner! :D so fun always hanging out with you all bitching about sucky chers! will miss you'all next year leh D;

# Boh Zhuang Peng -.-

hehheh BZP from woodgrove until now same class right. :D but next year we going our separate ways liao. Don't so BOHliao ah! :D

# Chew Qian Hui :)


# Chan Jun Li :)

Next year same class! :D xiaozhu getting more ugly O;

# Jun Kai :)

Stupid slacker class always sleep one D: LOL i will miss your attitude next year leh. 3H cnt see liddat one liao! D: love your being guailan to teachers! :D :D

# Khoo yan zhang :D

MAOREN! :D hehheh wish u all the best with Corrina? :D next year will miss you all D: D:!

# Shahin :D

stupid ex monitor! :D hehe will miss seeing your [FAT] face around! haha kidding :D :D

# F-F-Fangyi :DD

STUPID CRAZY WOMAN! :D ♥ leh! GD mine la dont steal! that time steal kim hyun joong still come steal my G-Dragon! but now G-Dragin's hair sucks -.- haha. will miss u loads next year! D:

# Wei Zhuang :)

Hello monitor~ thanks for always helping us open door ah! i know it's not an easy job, and u were SLACKK D: HAHAHAHAH.

# Jeremy :)

JEREMY! :D we always like deesiao u and jasmine! :D so u like audrey or jasmine? xD miss you next year! the humour in class all gone ! D;

:D :D :D






#15 Jasmine Khoo

Jasmine jasmine! :D :D ♥ i would give all the hearts in the world to you. haha my first friend in cchy leh. although we knew each other in primary school but we were not that close. i was so relieved to know u went cchy too. i thought i was all alone in a new sch. haha. best of friends forever! although we are not in the same class next year, we will still go sch and go home together. whatever there is in 2009. it will NEVER CHANGE in 2010. ^_^

#26 Regina Wong

RRRRegina! what are you? giant woman full of crap and lame jokes? LOL ♥! all the loves to you for introducing KPOP to me. Without your influence, i dont think i would have liked big bang? D; LOL. Don't sad about getting into a class you dont like okay. whatever happens, we're all here for you :D we must be recess clique next year!!! :D like i said, nothing will ever change ^^

#32 Tan Jia Min

jiamin ah~ xD why u always need toilet one? without fail leh all the time! i'm so happy to have u as a shortie friend! no matter what. i'll always be taller than you! :D okay la haha. you know that, although sometimes i pekcek u and always suan you, i love u very much one? :D i know you love me too! i'm so nice! :D sheng jiayou la! u not failure okay! ^^

Wah omg finally finish the post. So tired man ._.
Anyway sorry if i did not list your name down in the dedication.
I guess i'm not that close to some people.

But dont be sad okay! I will still say hi to you if i meet u in sch or on the streets! :D

Anyway, here's wishing everyone of 2e 09 a great year ahead and have fun in our new classes!

BYE ^^
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